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어린이부터 어른까지, 다양한 연령대의 학생들과 수업 가능!


어린이부터 어른까지, 다양한 연령대의 학생들과 수업 가능!

760 Lessons


저는 3년이 넘게 영어를 가르쳐 왔어요. 저는 체험판 수업을 많이 가르쳐봤고, 학생들이 실제로 수강까지 하도록 해왔어요. 저는 이를 위한 특별한 트레이닝을 받기도 했어요. 저는 K12 선생님으로 트레이닝도 받았고 대부분 어린 아이들을 수업에서 가르쳤어요. 저는 TEFL과 TEYL 자격증을 전 회사에서 일할 때 땃어요. 저는 그리고 또한 홈 베이스 멘토도 해왔고 새롭게 고용된 선생님들을 가르칠 수 있어요. 저는 또한 동아리 회장이기도 했어요.

I have been teaching English for more than 3 years now. I have handled a lot of free-trial classes and enrolled several students as well. I had special training for this as well. I had training as a K12 teacher as well and I mostly handle kids in class. I have a certification in TEFL with TEYL from my previous company. I was also a home-based mentor and I handle newly hired teachers. I was also a club Captain.

I have been teaching English for more than 3 years now. I have handled a lot of free-trial classes and enrolled several students as well. I had special training for this as well. I had training as a K12 teacher as well and I mostly handle kids in class. I have a certification in TEFL with TEYL from my previous company. I was also a home-based mentor and I handle newly hired teachers. I was also a club Captain.

환영해요 우리 학생들! 재밌고 참여적인 레슨을 원하세요? 그렇다면 사람을 제대로 찾아오셨어요. 저는 에이셀 선생님이에요. 저는 영어를 가르친지 거의 3년이 넘어가요. 제 넓은 경험을 통해서 영어를 가장 쉽고 재밌는 방법으로 배울 수 있도록 도와드릴 수 있어요. 저는 인내심이 좋고 열정적이에요. 저는 동기가 강력하고 여러분 역시 동기부여가 되어있다면 완벽을 위해 노력할 것이라고 믿어요. 전 제 지식을 학생들에게 전달하면서 학생들의 경험에서 배우기도 해요. 저는 독서를 좋아하고 다큐 영화를 제 여가시간에 보는 것을 좋아해요. 교육에 대한 열정과 사랑이 있기 때문에 저는 효과적인 선생님이에요. 뭘 꾸물대는거에요, 어서 나와 수업해요! 즐기면서 영어를 배워 보자구요. 곧 봐요!

Welcome dear students! Do you want to have a fun and engaging lesson? You've come to the right person. I am teacher Acel. I've been teaching English for more than 3 years now. With my vast experience, I can help you learn English in the easiest and most fun way. I am patient and passionate. I am well motivated and I believe that if you are well-motivated you aim for excellence. I love teaching because it's a two way process. I impart knowledge to my students and I learn through their experiences. I love to read books and watch documentary films during my free time. I am an effective teacher because I have love and compassion for teaching. What are you waiting for, book my class now! Let's learn English while having fun! See you!

Welcome dear students! Do you want to have a fun and engaging lesson? You've come to the right person. I am teacher Acel. I've been teaching English for more than 3 years now. With my vast experience, I can help you learn English in the easiest and most fun way. I am patient and passionate. I am well motivated and I believe that if you are well-motivated you aim for excellence. I love teaching because it's a two way process. I impart knowledge to my students and I learn through their experiences. I love to read books and watch documentary films during my free time. I am an effective teacher because I have love and compassion for teaching. What are you waiting for, book my class now! Let's learn English while having fun! See you!

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