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Grace Joy

회화연습 및 문법 피드백에 도움을 주는 튜터!

Grace Joy

회화연습 및 문법 피드백에 도움을 주는 튜터!

394 Lessons


저는 영어를 가르친지 벌써 꽤 되었어요. 제 대학생활의 2년을 중국 초등학생들의 튜터로서 일했어요. 제 첫 정식 교육은 초등학생과 중학생들이었어요. 1년이 지나고 나서, 저는 온라인 교육에 모험을 했고, 일본 직장인들을 가르치는게 너무 재밌었어요. 현재 저는 예술을 고등학교 4학년들에게 가르치고 있답니다.

I have been teaching English for quite some time already. I have spent two years of my college life as a tutor for elementary Chinese students. My first year of formal teaching was with elementary and junior high school students. After a year, I ventured on teaching online where I had the pleasure of training Japanese professionals. At present, I am teaching language arts among senior high school students.

I have been teaching English for quite some time already. I have spent two years of my college life as a tutor for elementary Chinese students. My first year of formal teaching was with elementary and junior high school students. After a year, I ventured on teaching online where I had the pleasure of training Japanese professionals. At present, I am teaching language arts among senior high school students.

안녕하세요! 저는 그레이스라고 해요. 저는 영어를 중등교육으로 가르치는 과로서 우리 도시에 있는 명문대학교에서 졸업을 했어요,현재 영어를 가르친지는 3년정도 됐어요. 저는 다양한 국적의 학생들을 가르친 경험이 있어요. 이 모든 학생들은 서로 다른 레벨을 가지고 있어요, 초등학생이나 고등학생이나 직장인들처럼요. 가르치는 것은 언제나 그리고 앞으로도 계속해서 제 열정이 될거에요. 제가 다른 것을 하는 것은 상상할 수가 없어요. 저는 제 학생들이 발전하고 당당하게 영어를 말하면서 뛰어나게 발휘할때, 정말 얼마나 행복한지 몰라요. 여러분과 같은 학생들을 정말 능숙하게 영어를 구사하도록 도와주는 것이 얼마나 행복하다구요. 저는 또한 웅변가들의 트레이너로서 일하고 있어요. 전 학생들에게 어떻게 연설을 쓰고 전달할 수 있는지를 가르쳐요. 그러니, 여러분의 스피킹과 문법을 발전시키고 싶다면, 제가 여러분들이 꿈꾸는 사람이 되는 과정 전체에 걸쳐 이끌어 줄 수 있답니다.

Hello there! My name is Grace. I graduated in a prominent university in our city after taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. I have been teaching English for three years now. I have experienced teaching different nationalities such as Japanese and Chinese students. These students come from different levels ranging from elementary to senior high school and even professionals. Teaching has always been and will always be my passion. I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. I love how it feels when I see my students improving and excelling especially when it comes to speaking confidently using the English language. Nothing beats honing a student to be as proficient as you are. I am also a trainer of aspiring orators. I train students on how to write speeches and how to deliver them effectively. So, if you want to improve your skills in speaking and grammar, I can guide you all throughout the process of becoming who you dream yourself to be.

Hello there! My name is Grace. I graduated in a prominent university in our city after taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. I have been teaching English for three years now. I have experienced teaching different nationalities such as Japanese and Chinese students. These students come from different levels ranging from elementary to senior high school and even professionals. Teaching has always been and will always be my passion. I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. I love how it feels when I see my students improving and excelling especially when it comes to speaking confidently using the English language. Nothing beats honing a student to be as proficient as you are. I am also a trainer of aspiring orators. I train students on how to write speeches and how to deliver them effectively. So, if you want to improve your skills in speaking and grammar, I can guide you all throughout the process of becoming who you dream yourself to be.

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