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왕초보도 차근차근, 차분한 7년 경력의 튜터


왕초보도 차근차근, 차분한 7년 경력의 튜터

1,897 Lessons


저는 온라인 영어 강사로 일하고 있습니다. 저는 7년 이상 초등학생과 성인 학생들을 대상으로 영어 강의를 지도했습니다. 저는 온라인 영어 강의를 하며 한국, 중국, 베트남 학생들을 지도했습니다. 저는 파트타임 강사로 일하고 있으며, 아직 학생인 조카들을 가르치기도 합니다. 저는 가르치는 일에 정말 큰 열정을 가지고 있습니다.

I am presently working as an Online English Teacher (Home-based).For 7 years (more than), I have conducted English lessons and tutorials for elementary and adult students. I became one of the teachers of different online based English language teaching center. I taught Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese students. I continue to teach part-time and I also mentor my nephews in school. Teaching is really one of my passions.

I am presently working as an Online English Teacher (Home-based).For 7 years (more than), I have conducted English lessons and tutorials for elementary and adult students. I became one of the teachers of different online based English language teaching center. I taught Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese students. I continue to teach part-time and I also mentor my nephews in school. Teaching is really one of my passions.

안녕하세요! 오늘 하루는 어땠나요? 저는 Maria Charistma라고 해요. “Cherish”라고 불러요.
저는 7년 넘게 어린이들을 가르치고 있어요. 저는 University of the Philippines Los Banos에서 농업경제학 학사를 취득했고, 마케팅과 가격을 전공했어요.
저는 가르치는 일에 큰 열정을 가지고 있어요. 전 어린이들을 돕는 것을 좋아한답니다. 저는 대학에 있는 동안 초등학생들에게 영어를 가르쳐본 적이 있어요. 또 저는 제 한국인 친구의 아이들에게 영어를 가르쳐주기도 했답니다. 저는 파트타임 강사로 일하고 있고, 제 조카들을 가르치기도 해요. 저는 제 지식을 여러분과도 나누고 싶답니다.
물어볼게 있다면 저한테 그냥 물어보세요. 저는 여러분이 많은 것을 배울 수 있을 거라고 장담해요. 그러니 부담 가지지 말고 질문하세요. 저는 끈기 있고, 믿음직스럽고, 근면한 사람이랍니다. 그리고 여러분의 영어 실력을 키워주고 싶어요.

Hello! How are you today? This is Maria Charistma but you can call me “Cherish”.
I have been teaching kids for more than 7 years now. I graduated from the University of the Philippines Los Banos with a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Economics, major in Marketing and Prices.
Teaching is one of my passions. And I love helping children out. Back in college, I have conducted English lessons and tutorials for primary schoolers. I taught English to the children of my long-time friend in Korea. I continue to teach part-time and I also mentor my nephews in school. I want to share my skills and knowledge with someone like you.
We can discuss anything you like, just ask me. I am here for you, and I assure you that you will learn a lot. Be comfortable in asking questions. I am patient, trustworthy, hardworking person and I am very much willing to help you improve your English.

Hello! How are you today? This is Maria Charistma but you can call me “Cherish”.
I have been teaching kids for more than 7 years now. I graduated from the University of the Philippines Los Banos with a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Economics, major in Marketing and Prices.
Teaching is one of my passions. And I love helping children out. Back in college, I have conducted English lessons and tutorials for primary schoolers. I taught English to the children of my long-time friend in Korea. I continue to teach part-time and I also mentor my nephews in school. I want to share my skills and knowledge with someone like you.
We can discuss anything you like, just ask me. I am here for you, and I assure you that you will learn a lot. Be comfortable in asking questions. I am patient, trustworthy, hardworking person and I am very much willing to help you improve your English.

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          참여 대상이 아닌 경우,
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