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Does technology make us more alone?
be supposed to make A more connected : A와 좀 더 연결될 수 있게 만들어 준다. stay in touch with A all the time : A와 항상 연락하고 지내다. enables us to connect with countless individuals that you would not be able to interact with otherwise : 다른 방식으로는 의사소통 할 수 없는 수많은 사람들과 연결망을 형성해준다. make us more alone because instead of interacting with our friends in person, we are dependent of using our phones or tablets : 친구들과 대면으로 의사소통하는 것이 아니라 휴대전화 혹은 태블릿으로 전화하게 만들어 개인을 더욱 더 고립되게 만든다. make us forget how to use our basic communication skills : 기본적인 의사소통 기술을 사용하는 방법을 잊게 만든다.
Personally, I think that technology does make us more alone. Technology may be useful if used for the right purposes; however, nowadays most media are used for frivolous things. I also believe that going out and interacting with people is still a better way to get in touch with people and exchange ideas.
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